Dr N Jayapaul | Jayapaul Life Story | Calvary Darshanam | Calvary Premadhara

Dr N.JAYAPAUL (Life Story)

A Short Testimony By 
Dr. N Jayapaul

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ !
When I moved from Chennai to Coimbatore, now I that it is perfect will of God to work among the Nilgiri tribes. As a missionary I 'Reached the Unreached' Irula tribes. When I proclaimed, the love and power of God worked among those people and even those tribes changed their lives and accepted God.
It was in the year 1971; the Lord Jesus Christ touched me and transformed me. Subsequently the Lord called me for His ministry by showing me the verse, "The Word of the Lord came to me saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:4, 5). I obeyed immediately by quitting my further studies and left home for Bible training.
It was then the Lord started molding me for His plans and in His likeness. It was there I learnt prayer and the Word of God. And my heart was filled with burden for perishing souls. My first ministry has started in the slums of Chennai. As an open air preacher when I preached Word with fasting and tears, Word of God worked in the hearts of people by the power of Holy Spirit. Many who were in the clutches of sins were delivered and transformed by the power of God. Apart from street preaching I used to work in the hospitals and jails. When everything turned against me, it took no time that God has a different plan for me.
God spoke to me, "Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and commander for the peoples. Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know, and a nation that did not know you shall run to you because of the Lord your God, and of the Holy one of Israel, for he has glorified you." (Isaiah 55:4-5) and helped me to start Calvary Evangelical Fellowship in the year 1983 on January 15. At that time I was 30 years old and 19 days married man. It was also Lord's plan after doing ministry in Tamil Nadu for 10 years He took me to a village in Andhra Pradesh and start the fellowship in a small village. I hardly understood His purpose for sending me to that village. But now I understand that God is right in everything. In His will and in His time, He will do the things for great success. I have no words to explain how the Lord worked in me and multiplied the ministry of Calvary Evangelical Fellowship.
It was in the year 1985 our first magazine 'Calvary Premadhara' started. It was in the year 1992 our first broadcast 'Calvary Prathidhwani' started. And it was in the year 2004, our first telecast ministry started. It was in 2007 we launched our website. And it pleased the Lord to use me as a revival preacher in many student retreats and crusades. Till today the Lord helps us to continue all these ministries. Our hearts overwhelms with joy when we receive thousands of letters and phone calls and emails informing us that they are blessed by Calvary Ministries.
As we pray and reach the unreached the Lord opened many more doors for the TV ministry. The Lord is really helping us to preach the Word through seven TV channels every week. We receive thousands of letters and thousands of phone calls every month for prayer. As the Word of God says, "Through God we will do valiantly" (Psalms 108:13), depending on the promises of God we are going forward in the ministry.
We give all the honour and glory to the Lord who called us to accomplish His mighty things. And it is still a wonder how the Lord is helping us to meet all the financial needs. Even though we don’t have any overseas sponsors, the Lord is blessing the humble offerings of the people who are blessed by these ministries. Standing on the promises of God we are going forward in the ministry. On the occasion of 29 th Anniversary we take retreat, ponder and worship Him. - Dr. N. Jayapaul

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